Flat Top Event Diary

Our third pub night was on Friday, 3rd September 1999, at Gilhooleys Irish Bar in central Brisbane. Fourteen well flattened guys turned up for an evening of serious drinking and to show the other patrons what good flat tops look like.

Pictured left to right are Darren, Jamie, Paul and Adam.

Adam recently appeared on "Hey, Hey, It's Saturday" and showed Australia just what you can do with a one metre long balloon! He brought along one of his amazing magic tricks to show the guys how you can get three nuts on a bolt and acquire a table at the same time.


The High and Tight Crew, Paul, Nick, Jamie, Col and Darren get together for some serious discussion.

Brad, Paul and Nick.

Darren, Col and Paul.

Graham, Paul and Ken.

In case you're wondering, Graham and Paul had a meal together just before going to the pub, so Graham did not disappear at 2am, like he normally does, to get his usual plate of nachos.

Ken had his flattie taken down a notch from his usual style.

Paul is a chiropractor. Here he shows Nick how it is possible to do a neck manipulation and still not spill your beer.

All the guys had a great time, even though some have said that they did not remember too many details the next day! One of the bar attendants told Graham that a record amount of Kilkenny Bitter was consumed during the course of the evening, although a lot of the guys remained loyal to the Aussie stuff.

Fred, Gavin and Jim managed to dodge the camera all evening.

The only award of the evening went to Jamie, for his amazing feat of endurance on the dance floor!

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