The eighth pub night, held on 1st December 2000, was a quieter than usual event. The smaller turn out was due in part to some of the guys being rostered on night shifts and a couple were out of town.
Graham, Mark and Michael decided to have a light dinner before the pub night. Graham suggested his favourite eating place, just opposite Gilhooleys.
Graham, Ray and Ken are three regulars at the pub nights.
Ken was originally rostered on to work, but at the very last minute, his shift was changed and he decided to attend. |
Ray and Jason catch up on
their news since the last pub night.
Jason was test driving his new #00000 high and tight. He says that he'll stick with it as his regular cut. |
David and Mark are
attending their first pub night.
Both guys work in the security industry. |
Pictured here are Jason and Shaun. |
Despite the low numbers, it was a late night, with some of the guys leaving at around 1am, to check out some of the local night clubs. I'm told that they stayed out until around 5am.